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A scientific seminar entitled (Human molecular protein modeling using AI)
A scientific seminar entitled (Human molecular protein modeling using AI)

A scientific seminar entitled (Human molecular protein modeling using AI)

  • admin
  • 23:56:14
  • 155

The Center for Continuing Education at the University of Bilad Al-Rafidain and the College of Engineering Technologies, in cooperation with the University of Diyala, College of Science, held a scientific symposium entitled (Human molecular protein modeling using AI) in the center’s hall, Ashnouna Hall...

He moderated the symposium 

Dr. Ayman Abdel Moneim / University of Bilad Al-Rafidain 

Dr.Adel Abdel Wahab / University of Diyala

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Engineering Technology and a number of professors and students...

Media and government communication..
