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Education friendly links

Education friendly links

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Education friendly links

Introducing video about the university

Introducing video about the university

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An introductory video about the college

The strategic plan for the Bilad Alrafidain University

The strategic plan for the Bilad Alrafidain University

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The Strategic Plan for Bilad Al Rafidain University 

Faithfully, the deanship of Bilad Al Rafidain University believes that following the scientific method in preparing its strategy (2021-2026) is very significant. Strategic planning lays down the pillars that ensure the improvement of services and the provision of staff support and development with an increase in the ability to deal with external risks and in a manner that contributes to the management of services.

The vision, mission, and goals of  Bilad Alrafidain University

The vision, mission, and goals of Bilad Alrafidain University

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  • 05:32:43
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Bilad Al Rafidain University College's vision, Mission, and Goals 


1-The Vision

Bilad Al Rafidain University College seeks and looks forward to being a pioneer and competing globally.

2- The message:

The message of Bilad Al Rafidain University College is the commitment to distinguished standards and programs in the fields of education and scientific research, and the graduating qualified human resources to meet the needs of the labor market.

3- The goals

The goals of Bilad Al Rafidain University College are

A- Attracting, rehabilitating, and developing human resources to enable them to keep pace with the rapid developments in the fields of work.

B- Administrative development and improving work methods towards electronic governance and supporting the independence of the college.

C- Enhancing the capabilities of the college and its sustainability.

D- Developing students' skills through developing studies curriculums in accordance with international competition standards.

E- Preparing generations capable of creativity and innovation and the development of thought and creative research among the student.

F- Providing scientific and technical advice to the institutions of the economic, social, and cultural society according to the requirements of the labor market and the needs of society

G.Developing scientific research and directing it to serve society, and encouraging faculty to publish their research in the approved international groups.

H- Achieving advanced classifications on global competition standards through the revitalization of the Quality Assurance and Campus Division.

I. Activating international relations and cooperation with universities and institutions.


Analysis of the current reality of Bilad AlRafridain University College:


Bilad AlRafidain University College faces unprecedented challenges as a result of the frequency of local changes, and the challenges of the external environment that impose the need for strategic planning based on well-established scientific foundations to confront them and overcome their repercussions on the internal conditions of the college and its departments.


First: the strengths

1- The university college’s continuous endeavor to achieve quality assurance and obtain academic, programmatic, and institutional accreditation.

2- Availability of human and material resources that would enhance the strategic planning paths.

3- Completing the self-assessment report, improvement plan, and e-learning quality guide, and evaluating the performance of the faculty’s employees…etc.

4- The presence of a group of faculty members who have obtained a doctorate from reputable universities.

5- There is an advertised job description for the college departments.

6- The college ranked (22) among private universities and colleges in the national classification for the quality of educational laboratories.

Second: the opportunities

1- The community’s confidence in the college’s products with specializations that serve the labor market.

2- Supporting the college leadership to implement the strategy and the solidarity of stakeholders for its success.

3- Cooperating with regional and international universities to gain experience and inform the teachers of scientific and practical developments.

4- Existence of cooperation agreements between Bilad AlRafidain University College and other public and private colleges.


Third: Threats

1- The curricular units do not develop in line with the changing demands of the labor market.

2- The rapid and massive global developments that pose a new challenge, are represented in the ability to keep pace with them and include them in the curricula, seminars, and research plans.

3- Creating several competing colleges surrounding the college and creating corresponding departments for our college in other universities and colleges.

3- Lack of financial capabilities, which is an obstacle to achieving the goals sought by the college.

4- Centralization in the higher education system.

5- The fluctuations of laws and legislations and the restriction of private colleges to stereotypes of governmental colleges.

Speech of the President of the University

Speech of the President of the University

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  • 05:18:26
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Dean's Statement

Speech of the University President

With all due praise and thanks to God Almighty for His success for us, and thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to this plan, a new strategy has been prepared to develop the University of Bilad Alrafdain from the year (2021) to the year (2026) based on an analysis of the circumstances surrounding the college, and based on the achievements and successes achieved by the university in higher education, scientific research and institutional development. The new college's vision, mission and governing core values ​​have become a real motivation for all university members to implement the new university strategy, in addition to its reliance on a comprehensive and accurate strategic analysis and with the aim of achieving the strategic goals of providing the best educational level for its students and creating a scientific research environment that is compatible with the developments taking place in the higher education sector globally. The path taken by the college is full of achievements of creativity and solid in the relations of trust with the esteemed Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the one hand and with the community to take the reasons for development and advancement on the other hand, and while it is keen to look forward, it always seeks to fulfill its educational and national obligations to reach sound performance and crown this effort with leadership in medical, engineering, scientific and human specialties locally, regionally and internationally.

Here it is necessary to point out the efforts made by the workers in this academic institution, thanks to whom our university has obtained an advanced classification locally and globally in areas that open up horizons for it to lead and qualify with merit, including the Webometrics World University Ranking. The college seeks to enter other global classifications in addition to achieving advanced ranks in the Iraqi classification of private universities and colleges that will be approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, while giving the concept of quality of educational laboratories the necessary attention so that the college laboratories are a distinguished model among the laboratories of higher education institutions in Iraq.

In light of all that has been mentioned, the quality and academic and qualitative accreditation of the university's outputs remain a fertile source for all that is ambitious. The last thing that deserves mention is the mechanism of academic cooperation through twinning with government colleges, which, thank God, we have continued to excel in and we are working hard to raise its level in the coming years.

Finally, the college aspires to be a major and effective factor in the university institution and we ask God Almighty to be able to participate in building scientific and educational edifices, appreciating the efforts of all those working in it, professors, researchers and students.

We ask God to grant us success and guide our steps on the path of knowledge and science ... May God grant everyone success in all good.

Prof. Dr. Rasha Khalil Abdul

President of the University

The strategic goals and goals of the college

The strategic goals and goals of the college

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  • 00:55:42
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Strategic Objectives

In order to achieve the university's vision, mission and goals, and based on an analysis of the university's current reality, the following strategic issues have been identified through which the strategic objectives can be achieved:-

Time Plan


Time Horizon



First Objective:-

Qualifying and developing human resources to enable them to keep pace with rapid developments in the fields of work












Obstacles and Determinants

- Weak identification of training needs according to the knowledge and skills gap.

- Weak financial allocations for human resources development.

- Absence of effective incentive systems.

- Weak distribution of human resources according to job description.

- Weak balance between workload and qualifications.

- Decline in public service ethics

Trained, distinguished human resources, advanced administrative staff




- Enrolling in courses at other universities to gain experience.

- Leadership development.

- Developmental training courses in the field of management and leadership.

- Identifying training bodies and contracting with them

- Scheduling employees for training courses according to specialization and type of work.

- Developing a system to determine training needs according to the career path.

- Organizing educational seminars and workshops.

- Implementing opinion polls to measure levels of loyalty and citizenship

- To stimulate morale.

- Preparing an announced incentive system for all administrative units to develop capabilities and competencies.

- Forming a central committee for appointments.

- Reviewing appointment controls and developing them in light of the laws and instructions in force and announcing them.

- Diagnosing gaps in job needs.

- Announcing needs according to controls to achieve the principle of transparency and justice.

- Adopting a clear and announced policy to attract talent.

- Reviewing current regulations.

- Updating regulations according to new developments (students, faculty, employees, leaders, scientific research)

- Updating and developing the code of conduct.

Follow-up body

Implementing body

- Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs

- Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs

- Human Resources Division

- Quality Assurance and University Performance Division Academic Planning and Accreditation Unit

Time plan


Time horizon



Second goal:-

Administrative development and improving work methods towards e-governance and supporting college independence.












Obstacles and determinants

- Resistance to change (developments in the field of electronic administration).

- Weak specialized expertise in the field of electronic administrative development.

- Weak financial specializations.

- Lack of software specialists.

- Weak Internet, intranet and communications.

- Lack of courses and workshops for workers in the administrative field.

- Lack of advanced electronic equipment (intranet, computers with international specifications, smart boards, etc.).

- Weak role of the Media and Information Technology Division.

Flexible administrative patterns and structures and facilitated work methods governed electronically.




- Forming a committee to review the organizational structure and describe the structure based on the objectives of the formations it consists of and their duties.

- Expanding the organizational structure and recycling it to serve the administrative structure.

- Forming committees to write standard work procedures.

- Reviewing the standard work procedures guide, which includes a general description of employees within the college.

- Activating the role of the Information Technology Division in line with the needs and requirements of electronic governance.

- Expanding the Internet, intranet and communications network.

- Developing the college's website pages on the World Wide Web in accordance with international standards.

- Re-engineering the registration process and shifting towards electronic business.

- Implementing the library performance evaluation system.

- Setting standards and requirements for adopting electronic management.

- Electronic modeling of transaction completion procedures.

- Electronic management and governance.

- Assigning a committee of specialists to conduct a study of the mechanism through which health insurance is provided and submitting the report on the study to senior management.

- Direct procedures for providing health insurance according to the mechanism that was chosen.

- Developing social system services.

- Developing the media work in the college to public relations and media.

- Training courses for media staff.

Developing media and public relations in universities and colleges.-

Follow-up body

Implementing body

- Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs

- Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs

- Quality Assurance and University Performance Division

- Assigned committees

Time period


Time horizon



Third goal:-

Sustainability and enhancing the capabilities of the college.












Obstacles and determinants

- Weak financial allocations.

- Weak mechanism for redistributing land and resources to the college in relation to the number of students and academic departments.

- Geographical decentralization of the college departments.

- Establishing administrative units and technical divisions in line with the requirements and developments of civilization and thought.

Sufficient and distinguished sustainable buildings and equipment




- Forming a committee to study the college site and prepare a report on the proposed sites for the college.

- Studying the expansion of the college and the distribution of its departments.

- Electronic documentation of university theses so that they are available on

The University Council

The University Council

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: College Council The College Council performs the tasks and specializations of the powers of the University Council stipulated in Article (17) of the Higher Education Law No. (25) of 2016
About the university

About the university

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About the college Bilad AlRafidain University is a private academic institution for the higher education of public interest. BAUC was established in Diyala Governorate - Baquba, under the order of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research In a ruling dated 8/1/2014 according to the amended law on Establishment of private colleges and universities No (13) in 1996.
CV of the university president

CV of the university president

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