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Honoring student Omar Ismail for his completion in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity ...
Honoring student Omar Ismail for his completion in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity ...

Honoring student Omar Ismail for his completion in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity ...

  • admin
  • 00:36:22
  • 77

Honoring student Omar Ismail for his completion in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity ... 

In a move that reflects the support of distinguished student talents, the Deanship of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Bilad Al-Rafidain honored the student Omar Ismail Ibrahim (the second stage) in appreciation of his creativity in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. This honor came after his active participation in prestigious courses and conferences under the auspices of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Interior, where he achieved advanced positions and received certificates of participation in appreciation of his efforts.

This honor confirms the college’s keenness to support talented students who integrate between pharmacy and modern technology, which enhances the university’s role in caring for scientific innovation.

We wish the student Omar Ismail more excellence and success in his academic and professional career.

media and government communication.
