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The Journal Unit at Bilad Al-Rafidain University College announces the imminent addition of the medical journal to its group of scientific journals.
The Journal Unit at Bilad Al-Rafidain University College announces the imminent addition of the medical journal to its group of scientific journals.

The Journal Unit at Bilad Al-Rafidain University College announces the imminent addition of the medical journal to its group of scientific journals.

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This achievement came with the direct support and guidance of the Dean of Bilad Al-Rafidain University College, respective Professor Dr. Rasha Khalil Abed 
The college launched the Bilad Al-Rafidain Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences in 2021 
Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Social Sciences and Humanities (BAJHSS)
ISSN: 2788-6026
In 2022, the college launched the Mesopotamian Journal of Engineerin Sciences and Technology 
bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology (BAJEST)
ISSN: 2957-9651
Last but not least, the journal unit at the college announced the imminent launch of the medical journal entitled 
Journal of Medical Sciences and Technical Health (JMSTH)
ISSN: 3007-3545
The University College of Bilad Al-Rafidain University college now provides 3 journals covering all human, engineering, scientific and medical specializations and a platform for Iraqi, Arab and foreign researchers to publish their scientific and knowledge products and exchange ideas
