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Scientific cooperation between Tikrit University and Bilad Al-Rafidain University College...
Scientific cooperation between Tikrit University and Bilad Al-Rafidain University College...

Scientific cooperation between Tikrit University and Bilad Al-Rafidain University College...

  • admin
  • 03:10:37
  • 66

Within the framework of the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding scientific cooperation between public and private universities
On April 16, 2024, a twinning agreement was signed between the University of Tikrit, represented by the University President, prof Dr. Waad Mahmoud Raouf and the. Dean of Bilad Al-Rafidain University College prof ,Dr. Rasha Khalil Abed 
The first goal is to twin the Department of Media...Journalism with the College of Arts...Department of Media at Tikrit University and supervising ministerial examinations..
All thanks, appreciation and respect to Tikrit University for the warm reception and scientific cooperation and further progress, lasting success and scientific giving..
Media and general relationships
