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Dentistry - Department of Dentistry

Syllabuses Department of Dentistry

Syllabuses - The first stage
Semester Code Units Description Syllabuses
annual 101AN 4

التشريح العام - Anatomy

Dr.zeyad Tariq Abed

annual 102MT 2

المصطلحات الطبية Medical Terminology

Not specified

annual 103CS 0

computer sciences علوم الحاسبات

Assistant Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Khader

annual 104CS 0

Dental Anatomy تشريح الاسنان

Not specified

annual 105HRAD 2

حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية Human Rights

Not specified

annual 106CH 6

Midical Chemistry الكيمياء الطبية

Not specified

annual 107 PS 6

Medical Physics الكيمياء الطبية

Not specified

annual 108BL 6

Biology الاحياء

Assist. Prof. Dr. Emad Ayal Mauter

annual بلا 0


Not specified

annual acc3 3

مبادي احصاء 1

Prof. Faiq Fadil Ahmed

annual 0

مبادئ الهندسة الكهربائية

Assist. Lec. Dr. Marwa Fareed Ibrahim

Syllabuses - The Fourth stage
Semester Code Units Description Syllabuses
annual 2

(III (Instrumentation M

Not specified
