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  • أ.د ابراهيم رمضان عاكول
  • prof :Ibrahim R. Agool
  • رئيس قسم : تقنيات الاشعة والسونار
  • Head of the Department : Department of Radiology Techniques
  • Research

    2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources

    2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources

    2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources

    2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources

    1989 Semicon. &Technology 4 (1989) 48- 53.

    1992 Semicon. & Technology 7 (1992) 357- 363.

    1999 Journal of Technical College No.61(1999)

    Journal of Iraqi Atomic Iraqi commission Vol. 2, No. 2 (2000).

    2000 J. of college of education , Al-Mustansiryah university Vol.5, (2000)

    2000 Journal of Al-Rafidian Univ. , College of science

    2001 Al-Mustansriyah J. Sci., Vol.12, No.8 (2001)

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    2001 Al-Mustansiriyah J. Sci. Vol12, No.7, (2001)

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    2006 Al-Musyansiriyah univ. J. Sci, No.21, (2006)

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    2008 Journal of college of Education, Al- Mustansiriyah university. No.3, p.564, (2008)

    2008 Al-Nahrin university journal, Vol.11(2008)

    2008 AL – Mustansiryia J. Sci Vol. 19/No.6 ( 2008 )

    2009 Journal of Education college univ. of Babylon (2009)

    2009 Journal of College of Science, Al-Mistansiriyah university, Vol.20, No.5 (2009)

    2010 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 3-4 Aug. 2010

    2010 Journal of Kufa- physic, 1st conference/ 6- 7Oct 2010)

    2010 International Journal of modern physics B NO. J P B 2009 / 2139 R2, 25- 3- 2010

    2010 Journal of kufa- physics a special issue for kufa 1st conf 6-7 Oct. (2010) `

    2010 Al–Mustansiriyh J. Sc Vol. 21, No.5 (2010)

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    2010 International Journal of modern physics B NO. J PR 2007/2139 R2, 25- 3- 2010 accepted

    2005 J. of college of education/ Ibn Al-Haitham, Vol.18 No.4(2005)

    2001 Al-Mustansiriyah J. Sci., Vol12, No.8, (2001)

    2011 Journal of college of Education, Al- Mustansiriyah university. No.1 , (2011)

    2012 Technology and innovation (IRJESTI) vol.(2) pp May 2012

    2012 Irish signals and system conference 2012 , ISSc 2012 NUI Maynooth,

    2012 مجلة كلية التربية / الجامعة المستنصرية في 2/5/2012

    2012 Terra Green 12 conference, clean energy solution for sustainable environment 16-18 February 2012, Beirut-Lebanon , energy procedia 18(2012)316-321

    Springer Appl Nanosci

    Springer Appl Nanosci

    Terra Green 13 interna onal conference: Advancements in Renewable Energy and Clean Environment

    2013 علوم ذي قار 8/12/2013

    2015 IPASJ International journal of computer science (IIJCS) vol.3, issue 8 Augest 2015

    2015 Research journal of medicine and medical sciences . vol.10 issue 1, Jan. 2015 (p28-32)

    2015 Research journal of medicine and medical sciences . vol.10 issue 1, Jan. 2015 (p28-32)

    2014 International of science and research (IJSR Vol. 3 issue 10) October 2014 India

    2014 International journal of nanoscience and nanoengineering 1(2) , 2014

    2014 Applied nanoscience vol.4 No. 6, Springer 2014

    2014 International journal of application or innovation in engineering of management vol. 3 issue 8, August 2014

    2015 International journal of application or innovation in engineering of management vol. 4, Issue 3, March 2015

    2014 Iraqi journal of applied physics vol. 10 No.4, December 2014

    2015 Elixir International Journal Nanotechnology Vol. 81, 13-4-2015

    2015 Elixir International Journal Nanotechnology Vol. 81, 13-4-2015

    2015 Applied physics A 05/2015,

    2015 Advances in environmental biology9(11) page 1-10, June 2015

    2015 Word Scientific News, vol. 23, 35-45, 2015, Poland

    2015 IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS), Vol.3 Issue 8, August 2015, India

    2016 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, Vol. 63, pp127-133. 2016 Switzerland

    2016 Al-Mustansiriyah journal of Science F-296 2016

    2016 Al-Nehrain University Journal for Science, college of Science, 1131, 2016

    2015 Optik-International Journal for light and ocomposite Electron Optics ,Optic 127و 7 December 2015 ELESEVIER

    2016 Springer, international journal of plastic technology, vol. 20, No.1 Springer, 20 May 2016

    2016 Journal of Advanced physics Vol. 5,No. XX, 1-4. American, 2016 May 2016 Thomson Router American Pub.

    2016 Optek-International journal for Light and Electron Optic, Vol. 127, 23, December, (2016).

    2017 Journal of Multidsciplinary Science and technology., Vol. 4 , March 2017

    World Scientific, Vol. 25, No.2 3017

    2017 Appl. Phys. A, June 2017, 123: 492.
