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  • أ.م.د نادية عبد اللطيف علي حسن
  • Dr. Nadia Abd Ellatif
  • تدريسي : كلية التمريض
  • Teaching : Collage of Nursing
  • دكتوراة تمريض صحة المجتمع
  • phD in Nursing
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 3
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Collage of Nursing three full Com14 0 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية
    Collage of Nursing one full 4 اساسيات التمريض
    Collage of Nursing three full 4 النمو والنماء البشري


    Lectures - 37
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Prenatal growth and development
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Protien
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Nursing Procrss
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Overview of Nutrition
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Overview of growth and development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Developmental theories
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Adolescent period development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Preschool , school age growth & development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Toddler growth & development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Infant growrh and development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Newborn growth and development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Prenatal growth and development
    2024-2025 النمو والنماء البشري Collage of Nursing step 3 Overview of growth and development
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Nutritional therapy for Diabetic patients
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Nutritional assessment
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Minerals
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Vitamines
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Protien
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Lipids and Fat
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 3 Water
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 1 Carohydrates
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 1 Funsamental of nutrition
    2024-2025 التغذية والتغذية العلاجية Collage of Nursing step 1 Overview of Nutrition
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Calculation of Dose
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Medication Administration
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Vital signs part3
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Vital signs part2
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Vital signs part1
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Blood pressure Measurements
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Temperature Measurement
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Pulse Measurement
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Wound Care
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Injection of Medication
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Assessing Vital signs
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Intravenous Infusion and Blood Transfusion
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Personal Protective Equipment
    2024-2025 اساسيات التمريض Collage of Nursing step 1 Hand Hygiene


    2024 Oncology and Radiotherapy journal
    "High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) have an important role in the balance of cholesterol in the human body. Especially Apoliprotein E (APOE) the E4 allele, which is a major risk factor of Alzheimer's disease, yet we must not forget the fact that it is a major protein with a strong affinity for High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), as it is involved in the transport of lipids in both the peripheral and central nervous systems of the body. So, the aim must be defined, which is to determine the effect of the APOE genotype on HDL function Volume in the context of Alzheimer's disease. This case-control study includes 114 subjects, 60 controls and 54 patients to fulfill the aim of study. High-density lipoproteins are one of the elements that cause cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's so that, calculation and measurement of Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC) as well as Lecithin and Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT) activity were done, in addition to the neurological and psychological tests in order to classify the type of dementia, magnetic resonance imaging have used to determine whether cognition is related to HDL function and size. Results showed the predominance of the ε3 allele in the sick group with frequency of the aisle ε4 in our study is twice as high in the sick group (27.80%) as in the control group (12.3%) showing a variation of 15.5%; it reaches a peak in the age group of 70years-79 years. Because the size of HDL plays an important role in determining the degree of disease and how to fight it. As all evidence indicates that High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) particles in the Central Nervous System (CNS) and afferents are the main etiology of Alzheimer's disease. We were able to determine whether HDL CEC and LCAT activity were altered within a large group of APOE genetic proteins."

    2020 World Journal of Nursing science
    The use of Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) in pediatrics has grown dramatically in the world over recent years. The study aimed to assess mothers' attitude and practice regarding CAM use in child illness. A descriptive study design was utilized. A convenient sample of 100 mothers was selected from Abou-El Sood family health center. Two tools were used to collect the study data: mothers' attitude toward use of CAM in child illness and mothers self-reported practice questionnaire regarding use of CAM in child care. The result of the study showed that, mothers have a positive attitude toward the use of CAM. The reasons behind using CAM in the child care broadly focused on the contrasting advantages of CAM and disadvantages of conventional medicine. Non-disclosure of CAM use was common. Regarding mothers' use of CAM in child illness, regular types of herbs were the most commonly used type of CAM; followed by home remedies and sixteen percent mentioned using mythic healing practices. Common indications for use were respiratory & gastrointestinal (GIT) problems, fever and dermatological conditions. The current study concluded that, despite the high use of CAM in child care, a gap remains between use of CAM and disclosure with the health care provider, the study recommended that health care providers should routinely inquire about CAM use as part of their history taking. Also, re-inquiry is recommended at each health visit because the safety of CAM use in children remains questionable especially when used in combination with conventional medicine. Further researches are also recommended to assess the public attitude toward use of CAM in different settings and age groups in Egypt.

    2018 World Journal of Nursing science
    Background: Cancer is a major public health problem throughout the world and the leading cause of death among women. There are two major components of early detection of cancer: education to promote early diagnosis and screening. Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent common cancer among women in Egypt and is estimated to be the cause of 22 percent all cancer-related female deaths. Although it affects many fewer women, cervical cancer is the 13th most common cancer among women in Egypt. Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. The aim of this study: To determine the effects of health education on women perception, screening and early detection for common cancer at reproductive age at Beni-Suef City, Egypt. Study design: Quasi-experimental research design was used. The study was funded through scientific research development center and all investigation was done free for each woman under the care of the Projects Funding and Granting Unit at Beni-Suef University. Setting: the study conducted at gynecological outpatient clinic at Beni-Suef University and General Hospital. Sampling. a purposive sample of 412womenat reproductive age were selected randomly. It was conducted from June 2016 till the end of December 2016. Tools: Data was collected through structured interview and field note that the researchers were taking during participants' and screening of the study sample at 2 days a week for six months to collecting data from the study sample. Results: the result of this research showed that the common cancer appear was breast cancer followed by ovarian cancer among study sample. Conclusion: The research has succeeded in early detection and raising the women's awareness to prevention which will reducing the incidence of common cancer among the women at reproductive age with statistical significant relation after implementing the program and 34.7% of the study sample are positive to breast cancer this detected by Mammography and 21% of them are positive to ovarian cancer which detected by cancer antigen 125 CA 125. Recommendation: The research results recommended that, guide lines should be implementing to enhancing women's knowledge and practice to early detection and prevention of common cancer among women at reproductive age.

    2020 Journal of Nursing education and practice
    Abstract Background and objective: Printing workers are frequently exposed to many forms of occupational hazards while doing their jobs. Little research was done in Egypt about printings occupational hazards, which constitute a huge burden on the affected workers and employment settings. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the perception of occupational hazards and safety measures among printing workers. Methods: Descriptive analytic design was carried out the current study at the Egyptian Book House Press in Cairo on a purposive sample of 200 workers using a structured questionnaire to collect data, which include demographic data, occupational hazards, predisposing factors and safety measures as perceived by workers. Results: The results revealed that the majority of workers exposed to moderate level of occupational health hazards and safety measures. The most hazards the printing workers are exposed to it, are health, chemical, injury and psychological hazards. Also, there is a highly statistically significant negative correlation with total occupational hazards and safety measures. Conclusions: The study can be concluded that the workers exposed to moderate occupational hazards. As well, the majority of workers stated that there is a moderate level of safety measures to occupational hazards in their workplace. Therefore, this study recommended that continuous training of the printing workers on safety guidelines and enforcement of standard safety practices to decrease the potential occupational hazards.


    2018 LAMBERT Academic publishing
