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دراسة امكانية تطبيق الانظمة الخبيرة في كشف وتشخيص اعطال الحواسيب العملاقة واقتراح الحلول المناسبة
"اقتراح نظام امني للحد من الهجمات الالكترونية التي تستهدف الانترنت"
2021 كلارفيت في مجلة ISI Q2
Comprehensive review of artificial intelligence and statistical approaches in distributed denial of service attack and defense methods
2019 IEEE Access

Until now, an effective defense method against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is yet to be offered by security systems. Incidents of serious damage due to DDoS attacks have been increasing, thereby leading to an urgent need for new attack identification, mitigation, and prevention mechanisms. To prevent DDoS attacks, the basic features of the attacks need to be dynamically analyzed because their patterns, ports, and protocols or operation mechanisms are rapidly changed and manipulated. Most of the proposed DDoS defense methods have different types of drawbacks and limitations. Some of these methods have signature-based defense mechanisms that fail to identify new attacks and others have anomaly-based defense mechanisms that are limited to specific types of DDoS attacks and yet to be applied in open environments. Subsequently, extensive research on applying artificial intelligence and statistical techniques in the defense methods has been conducted in order to identify, mitigate, and prevent these attacks. However, the most appropriate and effective defense features, mechanisms, techniques, and methods for handling such attacks remain to be an open question. This review paper focuses on the most common defense methods against DDoS attacks that adopt artificial intelligence and statistical approaches. Additionally, the review classifies and illustrates the attack types, the testing properties, the evaluation methods and the testing datasets that are utilized in the methodology of the proposed defense methods. Finally, this review provides a guideline and possible points of encampments for developing improved solution models of defense methods against DDoS attacks.

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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الهندسية

إبراهيم إسماعيل إبراهيم (2 بحث)
Switching Surface Design Methods For Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Systems
12-13 October 2017 proceedings of the 2’nd International Energy and Engineering Conference
Switching surface design via linear matrix inequality and Ackermann’s formula for a linearized inverted pendulum system
11 January 2022 AIP Conference Proceedings
م.م ساره حسين محي نايف (2 بحث)
“High Resolution Systems for Automated Diagnosis of Hepatitis "(1) (SCEE2018) ،IEEE.
2018 المؤتمر العلمي الثالث للهندسة الكهربائية

 “High Resolution Systems for Automated Diagnosis of Hepatitis "(1) (SCEE2018)  ،IEEE.

)“Modelling For Predicting the Severity of Hepatitis Based On Artificial Neural Network” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2018 (indexed in scopus, citescore: 0.31)
2018 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

)“Modelling For Predicting the Severity of Hepatitis Based On Artificial Neural Network” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2018 (indexed in scopus, citescore: 0.31)

م.م. حنين صبحي عزيز عباس (0 بحث)
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ا. م. د. نصير قاسم حمودي عباس الباجةجي (0 بحث)
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الهندسية

م.د احمد محمود خضر (0 بحث)
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م.د وفاء خزعل شمس (1 بحث)
Component of Somatosensory Evoked Magnetic Fields in Frontoparietal Brain Tumor Patients Using Noise-Normalized Approaches

Elaina, N. S., Malik, A. S., Shams, W. K., Badruddin, N., Abdullah, J. M., & Reza, M. F. (2018). Localized N20 Component of Somatosensory Evoked Magnetic Fields in Frontoparietal Brain Tumor Patients Using Noise-Normalized Approaches. Clinical Neuroradiology, 1-15. ISI,Q1,IF 2.8

م.م مروج عامر طه (0 بحث)
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م.د قصي كنعان كاظم (1 بحث)
Encryption and Decryption of Images using GGH Algorithm: Proposed
2021 Materials Science and Engineering
م.م ايات حكمت لطيف (0 بحث)
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م.م قتيبة كاظم عبد (0 بحث)
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م.م مخلد عبدالامير كاظم جوري (0 بحث)
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