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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2015-2016

top graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2015-2016
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
ايلاف قاسم يوسف ارزيج الزبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 good
ايناس فائق عزيز علي الخالدي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 good
حسن خضير كاظم عرموط التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 good
زينب صلاح حسن علي العسكري Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 good
عبد الرسول حاتم رحمان مخيلف الجنابي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 good
ايلاف عدي سعدي جسام العرب Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 middle
ايمان ابراهيم خليل اسماعيل الجبوري Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 middle
ايناس طارق علي صالح الكروي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 middle
براء ليث محمد عباس النعيمي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 middle
بشار محمد حسن كريم علي التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2015-2016 middle
