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graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2017-2018

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2017-2018
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
رسل عباس احمد عباس الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 very good
نبا حميد رشيد توفيق دبدب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 very good
اركان احمد بابير شكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
افين حسين سعيد خانكه الوندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
بشرى محمد امين سمين الصالحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
تاليريان عبدالله وهاب عبدالرحمن الهموندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
تيسير حقي اسماعيل جاسم الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
دنيا حسن حسين مراد الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
رهيل خليل رشيد حسين الجمور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
علي غالب عبد اللطيف عباس بالاني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
مثنى عبداللطيف محمود عواد العميري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
مشتاق طالب حسن علي التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
هه وري صباح حسن علي الداودي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
هيوا عثمان محمد صالح سليمان الدلوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
يونس حنتاو علوان ابراهيم الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 good
ابتهال حسن علي حمادي العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
احمد خيري نجم عبدالله الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
احمد فاضل علوان حسين المكدمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ارام جلال طالب رحيم الباجلاني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
اركان علي عسكر علي مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
اسكندر م70 حميد سلمان الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
الان حسين رحيم قادر الدلوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
امجد نافع كامل محمد الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
امل محمود خلف محمد الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
اميد رشيد محمد قادر الدلوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
اميره برزو فلامرز شريف الزنكنه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ايهاب احمد مكي لطيف الطيار Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
بشتيوان اسماعيل عزيز محمد الزنكنه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
بكر حميد كاظم عواد الدهلكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
جاسم محمد فالح حرج الدايني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حسن جعفر حميد اسد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حسين علي قاسم علي الخالدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حسين قصي عبد الكريم رشيد الحمداني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حمديه كمال قادر غريب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حيدر جبار كوزاد الباوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حيدر كاظم ناجي صكر المفرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
حيدر كريم شكر محمود الويسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
خالد جدوع رحيم خميس العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
خضير حسين حسن حسين العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
خليل بشير ابراهيم عباس قلندر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
درون اكرم محمد صالح احمد الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
رافت ياسين خضير عباس الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
رعد غريب حيدر ويس الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ريبين خليل حسن بك رستم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
زانا خليل محمود محمد الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
زياد طارق منصور ميرزا الاركوزاي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
زينب اكرم سيف الله غيدان ملك شاهين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
زينب حبيب جبار عوده الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
زينه مزهر مدلول كاظم المهداي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
سيروان محمد سرحان حسين الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
سيف حسن كيطان درب الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
شهد ياسين رشيد طه العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
شيركو توفيق نامق خضر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ضياء عدنان عباس محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
طه حسام انور منصور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
طه ياسين خضير عباس الدوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
عباس علي محمود رميض العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
عباس فاروق خليل عليوي الغريري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
عبدالله عبد الجبار صالح عمران الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي جبار كوزاد باوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي خيري نجم عبد الله الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي سلمان عبدالله علي الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي طالب عبد الوهاب غيدان المهداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي عبد الجبار مدحت مصطفى المدني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
علي منعم علوان جباره القيسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
عمر مقداد محمد فالح صالح الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
غصون فريد نوري صبري العسافي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
فاتن صلاح غازي طعان الطائي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
فيصل خيري نجم عبدالله الجبوريى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
قصي حاتم حسين خضير الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
كاميران موالي سيف الله مراد الكاكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
كوران اسماعيل وهاب رستم البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
كوران يدالله علي رستم الاركوازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
لارا سرور محمد صالح عارف الدربندرفقري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
لاوان خسرو علي جراغ السورميري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
لقاء جمهور علي ساير العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
لؤي عبد العظيم عباس حسن الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
محمد طالب م70 رشيد الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
محمد طه عباس حسين البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
محمد علي محمد بديع محمد نجيب باجلان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
محمد عيسى حسن رستم الاركوازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
مصطفى عبد الجبار شمه محمد الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
مهند شهاب احمد حطي بني ويس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ناز حسن جمعة علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
نهاد خليفة محمد كاظم الخزرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
هدى خماس سبع خماس العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
وسام عبد الحميد ابراهيم حسين الكرخي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
ياسين اسماعيل امين ذوالفقار الجمور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 middle
احمد حسن ابراهيم احمد الويسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
احمد مفيد كامل سعدون الخالدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
احمد نجاد محمد علي احمد النعيمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
جعفر سعيد فليح حسن التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
حسن صباح محمد حسن الزنكنه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
حيدر ذياب محمد عباس التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
حيدر فتح الله عبدالله م70 دلوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
خالد عزيز قادر محمد الداودي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
دابان شكر محمود خضر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
ذو الفقار علي شاه مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
راغب خليل عبيد علي التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
رعد علي زيدان خلف الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
زهير رضا شكور سلوم العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
زياد طارق سعيد ابراهيم الخزرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
سلام عدنان مطشر جاري الفضلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
طعان غازي طعان خلف الطائي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
عادل صلاح حسن حسين البدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
عباس علي حسين علي الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
عباس علي فتح الله شمس الله الكاكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
عثمان فاضل عبود فرحان الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
عمار رياح فهد احمد الخزرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
كوران صالح عزيز شاسوار الزنكنه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
محسن منصور كرم علي الدلوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
محمد مشتاق ناموس كاظم الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى حميد خليفة كاظم الساعدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى عباس جياد كاظم المجمعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى مهدي حسين سلمان الدفاعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى هشام فخري علوان الصالحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
منال قيس خريسان لفته الجورانية Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
منتظر سليم حجي كرم الباوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
منير غدير مسعود سلمان الحميري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
مهند هيثم خليل جاسم الجوراني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
ميسره جاسم محمد علي الكبيسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
نصير هاشم صافي محمد الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
هاوري احمد فرج سمين الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
هشام مهدي محمد احمد النعيمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
هيمن اياد شكر احمد الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
وسام محمود جامل غيدان الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
وفاء محمد كريم مطلك التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
ياسر خليل محمد جعفر المكدمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
ياسمين علي نصار زيدان الخالدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
ئاراس شهاب محمد قادر الباجلان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2017-2018 acceptable
