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graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2015-2016

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2015-2016
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
زهير خدا يخش اسد ماماخان القلاوس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 very good
اراز عبد الم70 محمود محمد الزهاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
ازاد حسين فرحان قادرالزنكنة Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
انعام عامر قاسم محمد المجمعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
خالد وليد احمد محمد العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
سعاد عسكر سعيد رحمن الزنكناوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
سلام صلاح الدين خزعل نجم الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
طلعت سعد الله حسن حسين الروزبياني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
طه اركان محمد مبارك المهداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
عباس اكبر سعيد احمد الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
محمد حسن احمد حبيب الاركوازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
محمد صباح خليل ابراهيم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
نصيف جاسم مرهج عبد الحميدالحميداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 good
احمد إبراهيم موسى نصيف الاعنزي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
أثير صالح محمود حبش الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
برهان عبد اللطيف مهدي صالح العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حازم علي نهار إبراهيم الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حسام محمد مصرف منصور الزند Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حسين علاء الدين ادهم عبد الوهاب النقيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حسين علي احمد حسين البالاني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حيدر رعد طعمة فارس السعيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
حيدر عبد الجواد فاضل حاجم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
خالد صالح مهدي حسن الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
دانا كنعان رزوقي حسين الاركوزاي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
رافد نجم عبد الله غائب الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
رامي علاء حسين م70 الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
روند حميد محمد ولي الباجلان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
زياد علي حسن خلف الزهيري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سالم عبد الحسين مهدي عبد الحميدالعنبكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سامي مرعي سبع شبيب السامرائي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
ساير دولاب حمادي هلال القره غولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سرمد داوود سلمان فارس الاركوازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سعدي غازي عبد محسن الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سلام عبد الجبار مدحت مصطفى القلوسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سمير حنتوش علي سهيل التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سيف سعد حميد سلطان الكرخي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
سيف علي حسين كاظم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
شاكر محمود حسين عليوي الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
صبحي رباح كاظم سبع الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
طالب وهيب مهدي ويس الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عاد فليح حسن عباس العزي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عادل عبد الكريم صالح صافي الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عباس محمد حسين حيدر علي السرايلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عباس مراد حسن علي الاركوازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عبد الله نجم عبد الله شلبة المجمعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عدي زكي كنوت حسن الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عذراء محمد عبد الله محمد التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علاء جدوع محمود جاسم الجوراني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي احمد محمدعلي الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي جهاد عبدال حسين الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي حسين عبد الله فيض الله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي عزيز محمود داوود الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي محمد حنش خلاف الزهيري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي هادي مهدي وشل التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
علي يحيى باش اغا عباس التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عمار محمد رضا سبع السبع Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
عمر عبد الجبار عبد الله خلف الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
فراس صادق بدري كاظم الحميري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
فراس عبد الله م70 حسن المهداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
فرهاد سليمان مصطفى عزيز الجمور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
قيس مهدي رحمن علوان الاوسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
كمال صالح مصلح علي الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
كوران احمد محمود محمد الجاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد جبار مهدي صالح العباسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد عادل عبد نجم الجميلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد عبد الامير عبد الكريم حسين الجرموندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد غانم احمد جاسم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد فلاح محمد علي الاركورازي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
محمد محسن حميد كاظم العطافي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
مصطفى جاسم محمد زيدان الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
مصطفى فاضل عباس عبد القادر البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
مظفر عادل كريم كاظم العتبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
مظفر عبد الاله مهدي صالح العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
منتظر صالح مهدي حسن الغريري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
ميثم قاسم جواد كاظم الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
نصير جاسم محمد جاسم العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
نهاد إبراهيم عبد الله شابي اللهيبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
نور احمد طارق شمر الخزرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
هادي كريم عبد كاظم المصلحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
واثق جعفر حمودي علي الكرخي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
وائل ثامر كاظم خميس العتبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
وسام عدنان عثمان هادي الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
يوسف حسين علوان احمد العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 middle
احمد إبراهيم محمد سلمان المهداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
احمد توفيق علي فهد التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
احمد حسين محمود مطر التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
احمد علي خلف سبع التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
احمد قاسم عبود حمد السعدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
اكثم جاسم محمد عباس المصلحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
انمار ياسين خضير حسون الاوسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
إبراهيم نهاد إبراهيم محمد الجوراني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
إسماعيل عباس مخيبر شهاب المخيبر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
أثير كريم كامل محمد النعيمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
تارا صلاح محمد صالح عبد الرحمن الرمضاني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
ثاير علي حسين ناصر التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
جابر حميد عبد حسن التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حبيب سعيد ناصر حسين التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسام خضير حسين علي العطافي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن إسماعيل محمود عباس التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن رضا جاسم محمد العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن عبد الكريم خضير عباس البناء Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن عبد الهادي عبد الله جار الله التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن لطيف جاسم محمد المصلحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن ماجد هادي حسين البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن محمود حسين محمود التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسين عدنان محمد احمد الكيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حسين مهدي علوان كاظم الدهلكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حمزة رضا شكور سلوم العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حمزة ماجد صالح جابر الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
حيدر طارق شاكر حسين الخفاجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
خالد مالك داوود مصطفى الدراغة Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
رائد علي عبد الستار درب الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
رحيم داود سلمان جاسم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
رعد محمد حسيب علوان الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
رياض عبد القادر عبد حسن العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سالم سلطان عبد الله كاظم الويسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سرمد عباس حيدر حسين التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سعد حسن عبدالله ويس الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سلام راشد داود موزان الحريجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سلام علي إسماعيل خليل الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سيف علي فاضل علوان التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
سيف قاسم محمد عبد الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
صالح فرحان خلف درابيش الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
صدام حسين خلف فليفل العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عباس خضير عباس جرمط الحديدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عباس سلمان محمد شمس الفضيلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عباس سلمان محمد صالح الرحالي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عباس صكبان خضير حسون الاوسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عبد الخالق رشيد سبع خماس الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عبد الرزاق محمد فرمان عويد الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عبد الله ريسان عبد الله محسن المعموري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عبدالباقي حسن هبر مزعل العنبكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عثمان محمد حسين عطية الدايني Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عدي عدنان محمود شهاب المعموري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عقيل حمد خميس علي العبادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء حسين مالك حميد الزهيري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء كاظم رضا كمر السوره ميري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء محمد غضبان احمد العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء مقبل محمد صالح القره غولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي جعفر محمد فتاح الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي صادق جعفر علي المجمعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي صالح مهدي عبد الله الزوبعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي عبد الحسن محمد جاسم السعدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي عبد الكريم داخل سرحان الدليمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي عبد الله عويد محمد المفرجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي عبد الهادي اسد محمد علي السرايلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي عقيل عسكر خماس الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي مزاحم عبد الستار داوود الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي مولان فرج حمودي البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي نبيل عبد الجبار حسن الاغا Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
علي نزار صادق احمد العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عماد كاظم عبود درويش القيسي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عماد مهدي احمد جاسم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار عبد اللطيف حميد جار الله التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار عدنان احمد شهاب العلكاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار علي حسين نصيف المعموري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار محسن محمود ياس الكرخي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمر احمد سلطان حسين العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمر إسماعيل حسين علي المهداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
عمر خليل ابراهيم حديري العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
غانم خضير م70 عيفان العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
فراس فاضل صالح عباس البياتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
فرقد جواد حسن جواد التميمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
قحطان محمود عفج حمادي العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
قصي هزل صالح حميد الجبوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
كرار طاهر صيهود شلال الدوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
ماهر عادل جاسم محمد الربيعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
ماهر لطيف احمد حسين النعيمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مأمون م70 رشيد جاسم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مثنى غازي حسن صالح الكروي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد إبراهيم علي زيدان العنبكي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد حسين جليل خلف العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد حميد مرهج عبد الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد خلف إسماعيل حسين النعيمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد سالم عطية خلف العتبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد عباس إسماعيل إبراهيم الزهيري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد فائق حاتم محمد الانصاري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد محسن يحيى حسين الهاشمي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد محمود شكور غضبان اللهيبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد مظفر محمود شهاب العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمد مظهر وادي خميس المجمعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
محمود كريم محمد عباس المصلحي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مروان حسين عبد الله علي الطائي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مصطفى فاضل سلمان داوود السعدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مصطفى قيس حمودي جاسم العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
معتز كريم عناد محيميد المجرص Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
معد احمد عبد الله شلال اللهيبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مقداد حسين عبود حسين الشمري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مؤيد رعد حميد عباس العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مؤيد عبد الامير كاظم مهدي الزيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
مؤيد عبد الستار عبد الله فرحان الصريوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
ميثم ابراهيم نجم عبد الله العزاوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
نزار سعدي احمد جاسم العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
نور الدين عماد احمد سلمان السامرائي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
نور علي عبد الحسين مهدي السعدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
هشام شهاب احمد محمد العزي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
وليد خالد احمد م70 الزبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
ياسر محمد حسين علي العبيدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
يوسف محمود قاسم كريم الهنداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2015-2016 acceptable
