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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2018-2019

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2018-2019
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
سحر شمس الله احمد سيف الله Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 middle
شيماء كريم عبدالله علي الدلوي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 middle
احمد يونس احمد سلمان العزة Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
ارازو محمود سلمان كمر الاركوزاي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
امين احمد محمد اسماعيل الحمداني Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
ايات فلاح مسعد جواد الربيعي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
حوراء خالد كامل جاسم التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
خالد مصطفى احمد محمد الطائشي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
دانيا دريد محمود طهماز Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
رانية كريم احمد نجم العبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
روناك محمد رضا محمد الداودي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
زينب يوسف كاكولا عبدالقادر الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
سواره طاهر محمد جام ولي الزنكنة Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
شهد طالب عبد الرزاق عبدالله الشمري Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
كوستيان احمد نعمت مولود الباجلان Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
محمود صبحي احمد صالح العزاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
مروه عقيل نجيب عبود القصاب Department of English Language and Literature 2018-2019 acceptable
