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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2017-2018

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2017-2018
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
احمد رائد احمد شوكت Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
اسراء فهد احمد علوان المعموري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
افين عبد الجبار خضير محمد الزهاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
اياد تركان ابراهيم يوسف الربيعي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
بيستون محمد مبارك م70 عمربلي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
دلير عباس محمد احمد الدلوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
ريبين جمال عبد الرحمن محمد البيواني Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
سندس غلام حسين مصطفى Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
شرمين اسماعيل حسن حسين الزهاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
شفاء حسين كريم علي الزهاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
محمد اكرم نوري حسين النعيمي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
نرجس عبد الكريم اسماعيل عبدالله الجمور Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 very good
احمد علوان خلف عباس العبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
روزا وليد محمد علي عبدالله الكاكي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
زينب مصطفى شكور احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
علاء طالب مزهر محمد التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
لافة رفعت عبدالكريم نادر الدلوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
لينا جواد كاظم موسى الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
مصطفى مكي شوكت م70 Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
نهرين حسن حسين علي التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
نور الهدى طارق نجم عبدالله الجبوري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 good
افان محمد شاه ولي اسماعيل السورميري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
افين حسين سليمان كريم الباجلان Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
اميرة عبد الواحد سبع خماس الطائي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
اية عمار عباس باقي الزهاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
بروشا حيدر علي اكبر الاركوازي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
بيمان صبحي محمد درويش الكاكي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
جوان سعيد م70 احمدالداودي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
حسن مهدي ابراهيم جاسم الزهيري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
حسين احمد حسين عباس الخالدي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
خيال مكائل اسماعيل شيرة الهموندي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
دلسوز ارام عبدالله عباس الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
رامي صكبان سلمان يعكوب المجمعي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
رواء ماهر جمعة محمد السامرائي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
سارا حمزة علي احمد القره لوسي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
ساره نزار عبد اللطيف حميد الغريري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
سجى محمود مهدي صالح البياتي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
شيلان علي محمد عزيز الجمور Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
عذراء احمد حسن خليل المياح Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
عقيل حسين جاسم محمد الافرجي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
هاوراز حسيب حميد فرج الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
هبة مصطفى كمال عبد الباقي الشيخلي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
هردي هزار علي مصطفى الطالباني Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
هيرو ابراهيم اغامراد جمشير الدلوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
يوسف مظفر م70 نصيف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 middle
ازين انور حيدر شكر الاركوازي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
انفال محمود طه ياسين الكروي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
ايات حيدر عبد الحسين محمد البياتي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
ايات عبد الأمير مهدي حسن الحميداوي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
تهاني شاكر نادر سمين Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
جوان عبدالكريم محمد رؤوف عزيز Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
جيهان رعد صحبت احمد البرزنجي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
رسل حسين خضير حسن البياتي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
رسل صالح عباس عويد الكرخي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
زهراء علي ابراهيم احمد البياتي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
زينب عبد العزيز حميد امين الكاكي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
عثمان حافظ علي حسين المعموري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
علي عباس شيرزاد محمد الاركوازي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
لافا جواد كاظم موسى الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
مجدة نعمت حميد فرج الجاف Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
نفين جعفر علي داي باخي السوره ميري Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
نيان اكرام عبد الرحمن خورشيد الزندي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
هادي حسين علي حسين الجمور Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
هند احمد كاظم محمد القيسي Department of English Language and Literature 2017-2018 acceptable
