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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2016-2017

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2016-2017
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
غفران مقداد محمد احمد الحسيني Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 Excellence
امنه ابراهيم عاصي سلمان الفضلي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 very good
خنساء ابراهيم عاصي سلمان الفضلي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 good
عمر حسين علوان جمعة الحمداني Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 good
شيماء لطيف عبد الستار عبد الرزاق البلدية Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 middle
احمد محمد وادي عاصي العنبكي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 acceptable
انور رعد جميل احمد الجعفري Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 acceptable
عامر ابراهيم محمد جواد العنبكي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 acceptable
فاطمة الزهراء سامي عبد العزيز صالح الدليمي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى عمار شهاب احمد البياتي Department of English Language and Literature 2016-2017 acceptable
