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هندسة تقنيات الطيران


About the Department
  • Establishment

    The Department of Aeronautical Engineering Technology at the University of Bilad Alrafdain  was established in 2018. It aims to graduate engineering technical personnel who are able to bear the responsibilities of practical life and participate in engineering projects with the ability to keep pace with new developments and technological progress in the field of specialization.

Vision, mission and goals
  • Vision

    The Department of Aeronautical Engineering Technology seeks to be a scientific and research center that leads the path of creativity in the field of aeronautical engineering and its applications, and achieves the quality of engineering education in its field of specialization.


    Graduating engineering cadres with integrated leadership personality and high professional skills and ethics that meet the needs of civil and military state institutions related to the specialty.

    Conducting research and studies, transferring knowledge, and localizing technology in order to serve and develop society.

    Providing a scientific atmosphere that helps creativity and innovation, caring for outstanding and talented people, investing their energies, enhancing continuous learning skills, and providing professional services to society within the framework of specialization.

    Providing educational, academic, and professional guidance, and consolidating national identity and the spirit of belonging and loyalty to the country.


    Providing students with the basics of knowledge in scientific and engineering fields, improving their professional abilities towards analytical and creative thinking, developing their capabilities in the field of practical experience and experimental methods, using computer technologies, writing technical reports, communication skills, and communicating with others, and instilling the spirit of working through one team.

    Continuous and renewable development of curricula according to international standards to ensure quality and keep pace with rapid and successive changes in all fields, and achieve the principle of sustainability and environmental conservation.

    Preparing well-qualified engineers to implement the country's development and reconstruction plans.

    Preparing engineers who are able to use modern engineering tools optimally in analyzing and designing various systems in aeronautical engineering.

    Graduation of engineering cadres capable of achieving success in the work environment using personal skills that include teamwork, communication skills, continuous learning, positive interaction with the community, commitment to considerations of social and ethical responsibility, belonging and loyalty to the country.

    Focusing on systematic scientific research and its essential role in serving the community and solving its problems and encouraging faculty members and students to take this aspect into account, directing and supporting capabilities and providing what is necessary to achieve this.

    Cooperating and exchanging experiences with universities, research centers and similar engineering education institutions inside and outside the country through partnership agreements for this purpose.

    Developing and improving the capabilities of the teaching staff and attracting good competencies to the department.

Graduate Description
  • Tasks and duties assigned to graduates of the department

    Ability to manage and work on ground and air support equipment.

    Ability to design mechanically using the latest design programs and 3D simulations

    Ability to work with the latest mechanical, electrical and electronic fault diagnosis devices for aircraft systems.

    Ability to adapt to similar specializations (communications engineering, air conditioning and refrigeration engineering, mechanical engineering, renewable energy, etc.).

    Work in the maintenance of thermal machines and steam turbines in power plants, whether the heat source is nuclear fuel or otherwise.

    Field of engine design and manufacturing (engine engineering).

    Work in power plants where the most important part is (turbine) in addition to the heat generation source (boilers)

    Graduate work fields

    Department graduates work in a large number of industrial and service fields in the country, including, for example:

    Iraqi Airways

    Iraqi Ministry of Defense

    Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority

    Iraqi Air Force

    Air Defense

    Iraqi and international aircraft maintenance companies

    Job description for graduates

    The study period in the department lasts 4 years, after which the graduate is awarded a Bachelor's degree in Aviation Engineering Technology (Technical Engineer).


Dr Ammar Mohammed Abdulateef

Head of the Department

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdulwahabe Mohammed


PhD in mechanical engineering

Dr. Basem Abdullah Mohammed


Ph. D. in Radio Engineering and Television Systems

prof. dr. Khansaa Dawood Salman


PhD in Mechanical/Metallurgical Engineering

Assist. Lecture . Mustafa Jassim Rustam


Msc. Materials Engineering

Muzher taha mohamed

Head of the Department

