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Health and medical technology activities
Publishing scientific research in international sources.

Publishing scientific research in international sources.

  • admin
  • 01:35:45
  • 156
Students of the Medical Laboratory Technology Department continue summer practical training

Students of the Medical Laboratory Technology Department continue summer practical training

  • admin
  • 00:10:05
  • 23
Professor Dr. Rasha Khalil Abdel Mohtarma receives the author of a book

Professor Dr. Rasha Khalil Abdel Mohtarma receives the author of a book

  • admin
  • 02:54:28
  • 60
Opening a modern laboratory (pCR) in the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies.

Opening a modern laboratory (pCR) in the Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies.

  • admin
  • 02:26:51
  • 70
Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Technologies today, Thursday 5/16/2024.

Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Technologies today, Thursday 5/16/2024.

  • admin
  • 02:08:05
  • 64
Publish original scientific medical research in an international journal within the Scopus database.

Publish original scientific medical research in an international journal within the Scopus database.

  • admin
  • 02:12:20
  • 45
Dr. Karim Al-Jashami is a member of the committee of an international conference in Japan.

Dr. Karim Al-Jashami is a member of the committee of an international conference in Japan.

  • admin
  • 01:03:00
  • 336
Within the scientific activities of the medical departments in our college... the Medical Laboratory Technology Department held a laboratory analysis workshop

Within the scientific activities of the medical departments in our college... the Medical Laboratory Technology Department held a laboratory analysis workshop

  • admin
  • 00:52:44
  • 56
Dr. Karim Alwan Muhammad, teaching in the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Technologies.

Dr. Karim Alwan Muhammad, teaching in the Department of Radiology and Ultrasound Technologies.

  • admin
  • 00:52:25
  • 46

  • admin
  • 03:45:19
  • 477
